This page contains detailed descriptions, sing-a-long videos, and links to individual arrangements and accompanying sheet music for the original romantic Valentine's Day love song LOVELAND only. See the Shag Evans Song Index page for a list of other available songs.
Click here for the LOVELAND A601 song details page with shopping links & full available key info.
Romantic Valentine's Day love song that perhaps works best as an uptempo swinging thing. "Let's put some strings on it and see what happens!"
The #601 arrangement features two vocal parts, piano, bass, violins, cello and accurate guitar chord diagrams.
The quintuplet pattern piano part should be played in a relaxed fashion: The natural mild accent within a quintuplet is either a 3+2 feel, or 2+3 feel. But the computerized demo spits it out as five exact slices of the beat. Experiment and place the accent wherever it feels best to you.
[NOTE: There are several more arrangements of this song in the works.]
Click here for the LOVELAND A201 song details page with shopping links & full available key info.
Retro romantic lounge rock Valentine's Day love song.
The #201 is basic sheet music, piano & vocals. Stripped down but still this arrangement has real atmosphere and is fun to play. Again, the quintuplet pattern on the computerized piano here is slightly stiff -- just play it like a human being and it'll work great.
Vocal part on this tune is an easy octave.
There are piano pedal notations throughout this score: It's an attempt to create a "melt" effect. Add according to taste.
[NOTE: There are several more arrangements of this song in the works.]
For each Shag Evans song there is an accompanying information SUPER PACKET. These are jam-packed PDF files that can be downloaded FREE inside the shopping cart (no purchase necessary at Gumroad or Shopify).
The Super Packets include song backstory, playing tips, sheet music notation explanations, guitar part info, lyric sheets etc. Musicians and songwriters will find them highly useful (music lovers in general also will be interested in what amounts to a quick "tour of the engine room").
For many more details on how to get the most out of the sheet music, see the accompanying Super Packet. Available for FREE (add to shopping cart, no purchase necessary).
In addition to the Super Packet "song backstory" section, see the Shag Evans songwriting eBooks.
NOTE: The Super Packet publications are not puny throwaway flyers or pamphlets. The Best Wishes/Warm Wishes Super Packet is 11,000+ words!
This original Romantic Valentine's Day lounge pop love song can have many different arrangements, so many musical possibilities. Think of the sheet music as a blueprint. The songwriting provides the musical foundation and structure while the arrangement provides the trim and decoration. From a single song many sheet music creations can be built.
Also, my apologies, but ringtones are delayed until I can upgrade my recording gear.
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