This page contains detailed descriptions, sing-a-long videos, and links to individual arrangements and accompanying sheet music for the original Christian rock song PEACEMAKERS only. See the Shag Evans Song Index page for a list of other available songs.
Here's a Christian bible song that works best as a rock tune.
Basic sheet music. The lyric text is verbatim New Testament quotes KJV version.
Vocal part on this tune is an easy octave. Still it's important to play it in a proper key depending on the singer.
[NOTE: There are several more arrangements of this song in the works.]
C, F
Click here for the PEACEMAKERS details page with full available key information.
Here's a Christian bible song that works best as a rock tune. So let's put some strings on it and see what happens!
This arrangement features violin, cello, basses and horn parts.
The lyric text is verbatim New Testament quotes KJV version.
[NOTE: There are several more arrangements of this song in the works.]
Click here for the PEACEMAKERS details page with full available key information.
This original Christian rock song can have many arrangements, so many musical possibilities. Think of the sheet music as a blueprint. The songwriting provides the musical foundation and structure while the arrangement provides the trim and decoration. From a few songs many sheet music creations can be built!
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