Shag Evans song scores are hi-res 300dpi professional sheet music PDF files. See the Shag Evans Song Index page for a list of all available songs and arrangements. To browse the entire Gumroad shop at click here.
Looking for a specific key that isn't available? Donations help to speed up the process of filling in the sheet music available key gaps. Otherwise check back for updates to the preceding list of available holiday Christmas song keys.
For each Shag Evans song there is an accompanying information SUPER PACKET. These are jam-packed PDF files that can be downloaded FREE inside the shopping cart (no purchase necessary at Gumroad or Shopify).
The Super Packets include song backstory, playing tips, sheet music notation explanations, guitar part info, lyric sheets etc. Musicians and songwriters will find them highly useful (music lovers in general also will be interested in what amounts to a quick "tour of the engine room").
For many more details on how to get the most out of the sheet music, see the accompanying Super Packet. Available for FREE (add to shopping cart, no purchase necessary).
In addition to the Super Packet "song backstory" section, see the Shag Evans songwriting eBooks.
NOTE: The Super Packet publications are not puny throwaway flyers or pamphlets. The Best Wishes/Warm Wishes Super Packet is 11,000+ words!
WARM WISHES (Christmas In Every Language) - Arr. #500
The A500 features several fun orchestra parts: Violin, cello, basses and horn.
The volume dynamics markings and "swing" and "straight" notations are present in the sheet music to force the computer software to output the tracks with a natural feel. Do not worry about a literal reading.
As far as usable tempo range: As a rule I record the Sing-A-Long soundtrack demos at the fastest possible clip and put that marking on the published sheet music. But playing at slower tempos is always an option -- including even much slower depending on the song. Adjust according to taste.
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Help keep this songwriting boat afloat! Any amount is appreciated.
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Custom Made For Music Lovers